Liyanapathirana, D. S., Carter, J. P., Airey, D. W.. Elsevier; 2009. Drained bearing response of shallow foundations on structured soils.
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Burton, G. J., Airey, D. W.. Australian Geomechanics Society; 2012. Strain rate calculation in consolidated undrained triaxial testing and implications on design strengths.
Hits: 1618
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Nazem, M., Carter, J. P., Airey, D. W., Chow, S. H.. Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) / Thomas Telford; 2012. Dynamic analysis of a smooth penetrometer free-falling into uniform clay.
Hits: 3018
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Burton, G. J., Pineda, J. A., Sheng, D., Airey, D. W., Zhang, F.. ICE Publishing; 2016. Exploring one-dimensional compression of compacted clay under constant degree of saturation paths.
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Carter, J. P., Nazem, M., Airey, D. W., Chow, S. H.. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); 2010. Dynamic analysis of free-falling penetrometers in soil deposits.
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Nazem, M., Carter, J. P., Airey, D. W.. Elsevier; 2009. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method for dynamic analysis of geotechnical problems.
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Carter, J. P., Nazem, M., Airey, D. W.. ; 2013. Analysis of dynamic loading and penetration of soils - application to site investigation and ground improvement.
Hits: 2018
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Nazem, M., Carter, J. P., Airey, D. W.. Institute of Physics Publishing; 2010. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method for nonlinear problems of geomechanics.